Multi-Disc Screw Press (MDS)
Desludging of overfilled ponds.
Continuous dewatering of sludge.
1-5 tonnes/hour of pressed cake production.
80-85% moisture content.
BioPRESS™ MDS is a dewatering-screw press that separates liquids from solids. A screw press can be used in place of a belt press, centrifuge, or filter paper. It is a simple, slow-moving device that accomplishes dewatering by continuous gravitational drainage.
The system is equipped with a pre-thickening tank, making it capable of dealing with low concentration sludge. It has a regulating end plate to optimse sludge concetration.
Compared to other dewatering systems, the MDS has much lower rotation rates. It consumes very little power and water, as well as having much lower noise and vibration.